The Global Deal and its impacts to workers’ rights in Cambodia

Labor rights
violation in garment and footwear sectors in Cambodia is a major concerned
issue among other rights defined by the UDHR and other cores human rights
treaties because the numbers of workers in these sectors have provided jobs for
798,815 workers in 2016 equal to 86% of the total workers in the country. The
workers often come out for strikes and demonstrations and demand for better
work conditions and treatment from the employers. The textile business is very
important because the garment sector helped to contribute 1.3% to the total
Cambodian Gross Domestic Product (GDP) which was increased 7% in 2016. The
exportation of the textile and footwear products was USD 7,389,000 million in
2016 (increased 16% from 2015) equal to 46.2 % of the total GDP equal to 7.15%
of total factories operating in Cambodia. From the perspectives of joining with
Global Deal, how Cambodia can benefits from this partnership and what are the
challenges for Cambodia and Global Deal to improve labor rights in Cambodia?
Read more at The
Global Deal and its impacts to workers' rights in Cambodia, by Marady and
other topics on Legal
Research & Writing.
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