Original Songs and Its Copyright Infringement in Cambodia

Currently, the original songs hit the musical industry in Cambodia and have been inspired by young talented Cambodian new generations. They are mostly freelance singers, composers and lyricists etc. There are three leading musical production companies in Cambodia: Rasmey Hang Meas , Town Production and Sunday Production and these companies are turning their business ways to produce the original songs to satisfy with the demands of the listeners and customers. Previous time, most of their songs copied the musical compositions and performances from other songs in different countries. Such copied song issues made Cambodian young generation felt disappointed and complained that these companies failed to create their own works and products. Cambodian songs used to be very famous across the country during 1960s (Sangkum period) with the famous singers such as Sinn Sisamoth, Pen Ron, Ros Sereysothea, and Meas Hok Seng etc. The copyrights of the...