The Global Deal and its impacts to workers’ rights in Cambodia

Global Deal is a global partnership, initiated by the Swedish Prime Minister, Stefan Löfven, and cooperated with ILO and OECD since September 2016 for the purpose of bringing together of stakeholders (governments, workers and employers) to promote decent work and quality of jobs and inclusive growth in labor market by making commitment to enhance social dialogue. Cambodia has submitted a declaration of support and became one of a signatory country of Global Deal among other 16 countries, 20 trade unions and 12 businesses and employer organizations and 7 organizations. Being a member of Global Deal, Cambodia is obligated to respect the ILO’s fundamental Conventions. Then, Cambodia will be asked to make commitments voluntarily such as policy change; corporation projects, training and workshops etc. or reinforce existing commitments. Together with other members of Global Deal, Cambodia should be able to promote sustainable development, decent wor...